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Bright Local School District’s Debbie Robertson receives the CORAS "Heroes" Award


The Coalition of Rural and Appalachian Schools (CORAS) "Heroes" Award recognizes and celebrates a behind the scenes school staff member who goes above and beyond the call of duty with exceptional contributions, exceeding normal expectations, to deliver superior service to the students of the district and the community. 

Superintendent Michael Bick and the Bright Local School District would like to recognize Debbie Robertson, Food Service Director, as our School Hero!

 Mr. Bick submitted the following letter for nomination:

Mrs. Robertson worked tirelessly to serve students hot meals through the COVID shutdown and throughout the summer. Bright Local is a rural district of 120 square miles. Through coordinating volunteers, cooks and drivers, she oversaw the delivery of more than 56,000 hot meals to students in 4 different rural communities. 

Mrs. Robertson continues to assure that all students are provided with meals through her “See a kid, Feed a kid” program. In conjunction with the Hunger Alliance, Mrs. Robertson has coordinated a program for identified families in need, so they can receive up to 10 days of shelf stable meals. Mrs. Robertson has coordinated a twice a week hot meal drive-through for families on our virtual school program. Mrs. Robertson has assisted in our Freestore Food Bank program to pass out food to local families as well as partnering with our local Lions Club and a local church to provide Thanksgiving meals to 30 identified families in need.

It is my opinion Mrs. Robertson is truly a “School Hero” for our students at Bright Local Schools.

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