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Bright Local Schools - School Reopening Safety Guidelines


We are all looking forward to the re-opening of our schools.  As we plan for the opening of school, we must recognize the COVID-19 virus is still a threat to the safety and welfare of our staff and students.  We all must be vigilant in our approach to ensuring the safety of all our stakeholders as a result the following principles will guide our district as we move forward with opening our schools:  

  1. Safety protocols will be implemented at each of our buildings.

  2. We will be working closely with the Highland County Health Department in promoting safety measures in each of our buildings.

  3. Students should monitor their own temperatures and their health on a daily basis before coming to school.

  4. Our district will be transparent with all stakeholders that some level of risk will always be present when children and school district employees occupy school district facilities.

  5. We are planning to maintain our previously approved school calendars with some possible front loading of employee professional development.

  6. Reopening guidelines are subject to change due to possible updates from the Highland County Health Department and the State of Ohio. 

  7. In accordance with the Ohio Department of Health's mandate for all K-12 students to wear a mask, Bright Local Schools will require face masks for all students and staff. 

  8. On Sat., Aug. 15, the Ohio Department of Health issued a news release indicating that Face Shields are no longer a substitute for Face Masks while students and staff are at school. See news release: . The Administration will look to insure every student and staff member wears a face covering as they enter our buildings. We highly encourage the use of actual Face Masks and ask that the use of Face Shields occur only in those situations accepted by the Ohio Director of Health.

Click the following link to continue reading the guidelines:

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