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CONGRATULATIONS to Whiteoak Jr./Sr. High School for being awarded the Purple Star Award!

Just released from the Ohio Department of Education!!!

The Ohio Department of Education is proud to announce that 165 Ohio schools received Purple Star designations as members of the Purple Star Class of 2023. Purple Star schools show a significant commitment to serving students and families connected to our nation’s armed forces. Eighty-eight Ohio schools received the esteemed award for the first time and 77 schools earned a renewal after three years as dedicated Purple Star Schools.

CONGRATULATIONS to Whiteoak Jr./Sr. High School for being awarded the Purple Star Award!

Whiteoak is committed to serving military-connected students and families.

From the Ohio Department of Education:

Future Forward Ohio, the state’s strategic priorities for education, recognizes the importance of overcoming obstacles to learning. To be successful in school and when transitioning between school settings, Ohio’s military-connected youth require supports to ensure their unique social, emotional and academic needs are met. The Purple Star award your school is receiving signifies your school’s demonstrated commitment to serving these students and families.

Ohio’s Purple Star Advisory Board established a set of important criteria that schools must meet to be considered for a Purple Star designation. It gives me great pride to announce that your school meets these criteria.

Mr. Iles reported

We are so excited to receive this award. It is with great pride that Whiteoak JH/HS honor and support those who protect our freedoms. It is nice to see the alumni on the Military Wall of Honor we built. We love seeing those individuals throughout our community and the work they have done. Our local veterans and local VFW are filled with amazing men and women.  Our district takes pride in planning and organizing special events for our Military families and veterans. (Veterans Day, Military Appreciation Day at games, Links on our Website for Military Families and recruiters in the building throughout the school year). It is an honor to receive this award.   

We encourage you to please fill out our google form ( and submit your information if you or a family member are an alumni of Bright Local and served in the Military.   

The Purple Star 2023 Announcement:

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