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Bright Local Schools News Article

Positive Paws Donations

Bright Elementary will be continuing our Positive Paws program this year.  We would like to reward students that have been recognized as displaying Positive Paws behaviors and attitudes with $10 gift cards.  These can be to local restaurants, fun activities, or even Wal-Mart.  In order to give a gift card to one winner from each grade level for the months of September until May, we will need 64 gift cards.  This is a big ask, but we know our kiddos are worth it!  If you would like to donate a gift card, please contact the Bright Office or simply send it in with your child in an envelope labeled Positive Paws gift card donation.  Your support is greatly appreciated.  Help us recognize our Positive actions.  Everyday is a great day to be a Wildcat!

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