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OSBA recognizes BLSD Board Member, Steve Cox

The Ohio School Boards Association recently recognized Mr. Steve Cox of the Bright Local School Board of Education as a recipient of the 2023 OSBA Service Award. The OSBA Service Award is presented to a very select group. Of the more than 3,400 board members in the State of Ohio, only 52 will receive the honor in 2023. The Service Award is part of the OSBA STAR Awards program - Service, Training, Aptitude, and Recognition. Mr. Cox was recognized at the OSBA Southwest Region Spring conference held at the Warren County Career Center in Lebanon, Ohio on March 9, 2023.

Mr. Steve Cox has served as a school board member in the Bright Local School District for 28 1/2 years. During his service on the board, Mr. Cox has worked with multiple Superintendents, campaigned for school levies and has been involved in building projects. He has witnessed changes in education throughout his career and has always served tirelessly for the betterment of the students in the Bright Local School District. Congratulations Mr. Cox.

written by Mr. Michael Bick, Superintendent

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